Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Survey Results

Q1) Do you currently read any pop magazines?
The results showed that all of the people questioned do not currently read any pop magazines. This could be used to prove that the current pop magazines out on the market do not cater for people for ages of 16+. Which also gives me an opportunity to fill the gap in the market so that it would be suitable for older teens as well. 

Q2) Who is your favourite pop artist?
The answers for this question varied a lot in terms of the different pop artists, from Taylor Swift to bands such as the Wanted. The results showed that the artists were mainly in the top 40 in regards to the music charts. Therefore, a music chart is something that I could consider within my music magazine. The genres varied a little, so something I could additionally ask the target audience could be the sub genres of pop music that interest them.

Q3) What do you expect the double page spread to include?
 Most of the answers included the basics such as, headlines, subheadings, the masthead, date, page numbers, buttons. An additional thing that I could include could be a form of competition, which is what one of the replies mentioned, it could be something that would differentiate from different magazines on the market. As I have mentioned before, a chart list may be useful to include as well, so the double page spread may be the perfect place to display this information.

Q4) How long do you expect the double page spread to be?
As expected, the results of this question showed that the double page spread should stretch from 5-10 pages which is a reasonable quantity when taking into consideration that it is for a music magazine, I would say that the second option of 5-7 pages seems too little, and since I want to focus this magazine for a older target market, I would have to include a little more information. Hence, more pages for the double page spread.

Q5) Would you prefer 1 main image or several sub images on the double page spread?
The target audience revealed that in fact, using both a main image and sub images would be a good idea for the music magazine. This is because the 1 main image would follow the convention of regular magazines on the market. The use of sub images on the page as well would mean that additional key information about the artist(s) can be included. With sub images, I would be able to test out many angles and shots too.

Q6) What type of artist should the double page spread be based on?
Most of the results showed that the target audience preferred the double page spread to be based on a group or band. In some ways, that is an advantage for me, because then I would have more information to write for the double page spread as the band includes several artists. However, if I change my mind, writing about one artists wouldn't necessarily be an issue either.

Q7) What type of colouring should the pop magazine include?
Referring back to the results, the people questioned replied that bright and bold colours would be the best option. This could be because it is something generally associated with pop music magazines as it reflects the style of the music. However this is a convention, of a younger target market, therefore I may have to question the market again, using more specific options in terms of colouring.

Q8) How would you make the pop magazine more suited for young adults?
According to the results, more information seems to be key in making the magazine more suitable for young adults. This is preferably because the younger generation generally purchase the magazines for the imagery and not so much the story of the article. Some other things to consider could be colouring, layout and imagery so that the magazine doesn't seem too childish. In terms of imagery, I could keep to the conventions of using a large blown up image on one side of the page and possibly a couple of sub images to give the reader more of an insight.

Q9) Would you prefer an interview or biography for the double page spread?
An interview also seems like the most preferable option, this could be because with an interview, a lot of information can be displayed without losing the interest of the audience quickly. An interview would mean that the information can be condensed to some extent as well, so that the reader would be able to quickly find out the main points of the article.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic effort on the research and analysis.

    Www detailed analysis and research into genre,magazines and artist.
    Ebi included an interview for audience research.
