Tuesday, 21 January 2014

DPS Draft 4

I believe that this is definitely an improvement from the previous draft. I spent more time on editing the image, and I feel that afterwards, it looks more professional. I added in more imagery and quotations after analysing more conventions of pop music magazines such as 'We love pop'. Also, I tried to split the page with an effect of ripped paper, which is something that seems to work well with the rest of the aspects on the page. However, once again, I think that I need to work on splitting the page into two halves, and maybe completing some experimentation with fonts/colour schemes.
How did I create the masthead of the magazine?
To create the masthead for the magazine, I went through a long process of experimentation with possible names such as beat, tempo ect. But these names didn't feel like effective ones to use. And so, after coming across many, I finally found that 'shuffle' would fit the magazine perfectly as it linked to the idea of music very well. To make the masthead more interesting, I merged a bold font with the shuffle icon with the help of Photoshop and my 'Kanvus' tablet. This made the mast head more appealing for the front cover.  

Double Page Spread Draft

This is my first actual attempt at designing the double page spread, I think that the general look of it is pretty appealing and there is a good colour scheme. The only thing that I have a problem with is the main image. I tried to edit the image to create an impression  of blurriness, almost as an affect of double vision. However, I don't particularly like how it turned out. As an improvement, I would try to enlarge the image, to make it spread over half of the page. Because this convention is very important for the music magazine